Flicker Leap

We are unassailable.

Unassailable is a powerful word that means “unable to be attacked, questioned or defeated”. Flicker Leap endeavours to give our best and conduct ourselves with the utmost integrity in every situation. With us, you can be certain your brand is in secure hands.

We are digital.

The digital world is expanding rapidly and it’s impossible to operate a business without effectively existing in it. It doesn’t need to be daunting or overwhelming. Flicker Leap thrive in this world because we love all things digital, so we can’t wait to help you take the leap.

We are solutions.

Brands move forward as they conquer each of the challenges set before them. Seeing our clients succeed is a passion of ours, so Flicker Leap specialises in creating and implementing solutions that work. The digital world is full of problems that require unassailable digital solutions.

We are hiring

We’re on the lookout for great talent especially if you’re a backend or frontend engineer. If you love building great projects with WordPress and PHP, checkout our careers page.