WOOP: OOP-ifying WordPress

WordPress is a great CMS and platform and provides a lot of functionality to get a website up and running very quickly. However, as any plugin developer will know, you often have to write and repeat a lot of code when creating custom Post Types, Taxonomies and other WordPress entities. This talk will focus on how to build plugins in a way that uses the principles of Object Orientated Programming, like inheritance, aggregation and composition. The talk will be based around a library that we’re building at Flicker Leap that’s intended to be a collection of classes to speed up WordPress plugin development (and can be included in any plugin via Composer or manual download). I will also be going through the internal code of the library, the methodologies behind the implementation and how it can be used in practice. I will also talk about writing plugin code that is reusable and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).
